SSH access to All-inkl Server

All-inkl offers among other things, an SSH access. This helps the developer to communicate direct with the server and exchange information without a speed limit.

All-inkl KAS login

Before you try to access your server with SSH connection, you need to make sure that the option is active. In order to do that, you will have to login to your All-inkl KAS account and then navigate to Tools->SSH Access. There you will find a list which contains your current accounts and on the right side under the column SSH login, it specifies which account has an SSH connection. If there is one, then it will start with ssh-.... and if not, it will say that it is disabled. 

If your account doesn't have an SHH connection and you wish to activate it, then on the column Action you will find an edit button which will get you to the detail page of the selected account. There, under the SSH settings you will find two radio buttons which allow you to enable/disable the SSH connection. 

After the activation, you will get a message which says that the changes have been successfully edited. You do not need to set a password. The password is the same password you gave to login to your KAS account. After that, you will have to wait 1 minute or so and then the SSH connection will be activated. 

2. SSH connection via Terminal/Bash

Now that the SSH connection setting is active, go ahead and open your terminal. The ssh connection consists of four parts. First, the keyword ssh, which tells our system that we would like to have an SSH connection. Second, your account name which looks like this w0123456 followed by the third part which is the @ symbol. And last, the domain where your account is registered which looks something like this:


If you gave the right information and it is the first time that you logged in from some device, then you will get a message which looks like this: 

The authenticity of host ' (33.33.333.333)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:fiuIOYGhh94354jopjophgrhtjn456wthwwt.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? 

You will have to type yes and afterwards you will get a message which looks like this:

Warning: Permanently added ',33.33.333.333' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

Then the server will ask you to give the password. The password is the same one with your KAS or FTP password.'s password:

If you did everything right, then something like that would appear: